Week 18: April 29-May 5
Highlights: Haley riding the 4-wheeler, Katie cuddling with Haley, Emily helping me sweep, Emily and Paige playing, Katie into the nutella, Katie riding her trike, a trip to Target and Costco, Cub Scout Blue & Gold
Week 19: May 6-May 12
Highlights: Walking to Grandma's house, Tyler reading to the girls, Typical price for gas, Ryan's hay field, First swim of the year, Tug-o-War, New baby chicks
Week 20: May 13-19
Highlights: Mother's Day, Katie sleeping in her crib, Haley and her pudding:), 3 new baby kitties, Emily's field trip to Red Rock, Emily's ballet recital, Emily's 4th birthday
Week 21: May 20-27
Highlights: Haley and her princess school, Emily's friend birthday party, Planting beans, Katie playing in the closet, Trip to Seattle (Spaghetti Factory, swimming, zoo), Elder's Quorum dinner
way to go with project life... I just feel apart at this.. maybe I should just start fresh next year.